
Friday, August 13, 2010

Episode 8 Elizabeth Zimmermann Notes

In this episode The Blethering Room is turned into The Blethering Zimmer.  I read several letters that Elizabeth Zimmermann wrote to me in 1977.  More to come in future episodes...

The fictitious character I refer to is Precious Ramotswe, daughter of the late Obed Ramotswe, and the owner and founder of The #1 Ladies' Detective Agency.  The author of the series of books that begin with The #1 Ladies' Detective Agency is Alexander McCall Smith.

The Danish knitting book, Hoensestrik  (the o actually has a slash through it and no "e" but I don't know how to type that letter on the blog.) by Kirsten Hofstatter.  ISBN 87-980272-0-4  1974
That famous signature.


  1. I just listened to this episode of the podcast, and will be listening to it again (and again). Thank you so much. I do hope you read more EZ letters. They're wonderful. I must go back and re-read her books. She was a terrific writer—and artist. Her sketches and watercolors in Knitting Around knock my socks off.

    Thanks again, Paula!

    Oh! My turkeys do the same basin-thing in the dirt. I always assumed it was for eventually laying eggs. Maybe not? I haven't seen them this year, but they've been here—my hostas are all chewed down. :)

  2. Dear Paula
    Thank you so much for your wonderful podcasts. I listen to them on my train ride to work every day. Being from Copenhagen (Denmark) I especially enjoyed the "Hønsestrik" and EZ story! I would love to hear more EZ letters and what a treat to have letters like that! I'm green of envy :0) Your voice is so calming and perfect for broadcasting - you really enlighten my day with you podcasts. Thank you.

  3. Your story has been getting more interesting to read for those whom are willing to read them till the end. It has been a great experience for me to know about these types of things for sure.
