
Friday, October 1, 2010

Episode 15 Rip Van Winkle Challenge

KnitaJourney Interview with Susan
Susan's podcast is fantastic!  Thank you, Susan, for the chat.

Our October Challenge...Rip Van Winkle

American folklore character Rip Van Winkle fell asleep for 20 years before waking up.  Were you "asleep" while others were knitting a project? What projects have been languishing in your pipeline? Leave your Rip Van Winkle projects in the comments section or in the thread on our Knitting Pipeline Podcast Group on Ravelry.  Your name will be entered into a drawing for a Longaberger Bouquet Basket!  This challenge will run through October.  You do not have to finish the project in October, but try to at least start on it.  (not a requirement though...I'm so EASY!)

And Ol' Rip has a connection for us knitters! There is a similar tale from Orkney. Washington Irving's father was from Orkney and probably told the folk tale to his son.  Hence, the rebirth of an old tale, in an Americanized version.  Read more here.

My possible Rip Van Winkle project is Evelyn A. Clark's Swallowtail Shawl which first appeared in the Fall 2006 Interweave Knits.

Needle Notes

  • Janice suggested using craft ribbon (1/16") as stitch holders.  Colorful, cheap, and the flat surface makes it easy to pick up the stitches.
  • Cottontail/Gail takes her soft bound knitting books to an office supply store, such as Staples, to be spiral bound for about $6-$7.  Good idea for those oft-used favorites.

I finished The Cedar Leaf Shawlette by Alana Dakos.  Love this pattern and yarn.  The yarn is Pearl in the color Chimney Sweep by The Woolen Rabbit.

Cedar Leaf Shawlette

Time out for blocking

Nature Notes

Monarchs are migrating now.  Butterflies are on the wane.  I saw a fox stalk a squirrel this morning.  The squirrel won.

A rare family photo of Franklin (far right), Knit, and Purl.  Knit is in the middle, the larger of the two hens. I had to take the photo through a window so it isn't the best.  The turkeys send their love.
At the end of the podcast there is a piping selection from In Harmony, a CD by The Dutch Pipes and Drums.  Track 3.  Heyken's Serenade.  The CD is available on their web site.

Now don't fall asleep like Rip van Winkle....start knitting!

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