
Friday, November 2, 2012

Episode 108 Double Trouble with Ruffles

Listen here or use the Flash Player on this site for current and past episodes.

This episode is sponsored by my Longaberger Home Business and Quince & Co.  The folks at Quince & Co have created a line of thoughtfully conceived yarns spun from American wool and other fibers sourced from earth friendly suppliers.  You can view the beautiful yarns and designs at and while you are there sign up for their free e-newsletter.

You can find my Longaberger Home Business at  If you wish to be on my email preferred customer list, please send me an email at with your name, mailing address, and phone. 

I enjoy your feedback, comments on the blog, and questions.  Feel free to write to me at or on Ravelry as PrairiePiper.

Pipeliner Notes

Thanks to everyone who was in touch with me in the past week.

Thank you for the star ratings and reviews on iTunes.

Our Ravelry Group has over 2,000 Pipeliners! 2,052 to be exact.

Giveaway Winner!

Cast On Bind Off: 211 Ways to Begin & End Your Knitting by Cap Sease. Donated by Cap Sease!

The winner is…  #40 Bikenknit who is Melinda.  Please contact me with your mailing information!  Congratulations!

 Vogue Knitting Live!  You didn’t miss me I missed it.

Knitting Pipeline Retreat  April 26-27, 2013 with optional loosely structured day on April 25th.  Signups will be announced in a few months.

Nature Notes

We have noticed increased activity at our bird feeders.  Bob commented that the platform feeder was drained in one day.  Yesterday I was sitting at the table in the sunroom and in the course of about two minutes I saw the following birds: Bluejay, Goldfinches, White breasted nuthatch, Black Capped Chickadee, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, Red Bellied Woodpecker.  I went for a walk later in the day and when I walked into the kitchen I saw a Cooper’s Hawk sunning himself on our deck railing.  . I got a photograph and will post on the blog.  He kept yawning. Just a few minutes ago I saw that Cooper’s Hawk flying through the woods. He landed on the branches of a big oak tree.

Bob cut back the roses and buddleia last night.  He took out the zinnias that have been hosting the relatively small butterfly population this summer and fall.

I saw old Autumn in the misty morn stand shadowless like silence, listening to silence.
Thomas Hood

Needle Notes

Quaker Ridge Shawlette by Susan B Anderson

What is a shawlette?

Hyla Brook Shawl by Paula Emons-Fuessle

This is the shawl Georgiana that I talked about in last week's episode. Designed by Susanna IC.

Striped version in Quince & Co Tern Stonington and Buoy.  One skein of each. Photos to come...

TIP: Use 2 long needles for the ruffle.  Stoppers at end and use like long straight needles back and forth.

Ellison Bay KAL with Mskiknits of Singlehanded Knits.

The Blethering Room

In the Pipeline


Knit Spin Farm: the podcast about fiber and farming. by Joanna Spring

Wild Ideas…the Podcast.   Wilmot OH.  (I guessed MO)


The Copper Beech by Maeve Binchy


Upstairs Downstairs Series 2.  Not as good as the original Upstairs Downstairs but we watch it anyway

Foyle’s War round 2 for us. 


Monkey Socks by Cookie A

Blueberry Waffle Socks by Sandy Turner

I suspect another Stephen West shawl will be in the works real soon…probably Herbivore. Or maybe Elowen Shawl by Judy Marples…gift from Knit PurlGurl.   Thank you so much for that. 

The tune is Light from the collection Heartwood by Sora.  Available on

Haste ye back!


  1. Paula, going to load your podcast for my weekend roadtrip. Just noticed you talked about birds. I like your Coopers Hawk. The big bird news in the Northeast in the appearance of a wood sandpiper in Rhode Island. The bird summers in the artic and winters in India! Thanks for the episode, pictures and notes.

  2. Paula,
    I burst out laughing when you brought up shawl vs. shawlette. I have to admit I did hesitate for a bit when I named the Quaker Ridge Shawlette as such. It is probably more shawl size than shawlette size but I actually just liked the sound of shawlette better. I thought it was so funny that you brought that up, no one else has mentioned it. I love your rustic version of the shawl very much.

    Love your podcast so much. I am going to check my schedule to see if I can make it to your retreat this year....


  3. Hello Paula Caster sugar is not really powdered sugar it is a fine grain white sugar used often in baking.

  4. Hi Paula, You have now become my driving companion each week to knit group thanks to my Downcast app. I can't wait for this years retreat. Your retreat last year was my very first and it was absolutely wonderful. Is this years at a new location?
    We have a flock of wild turkeys keeping us company now. I wonder if they will stay all winter or migrate? As soon as the sun comes up they have gone into hiding in the woods, but if I look carefully in that predawn moonlit back yard of mine, there they are.
    Love the photo of the hawk!

  5. Paula, if your son ever does decide to do the AT, please let me know as I live very near it in Virginia. In fact part of it goes behind my house! I'd be more than happy to help him out.

    I miss our barred owls but we do have lots of great horned and screechies. Once in a blue we'll hear a barred but I think the great horneds have taken over.
